Microservices, Architecture, Functionalities, ContextAbstract
The microservices architecture is an alternative to monolithic architectures in the field of Software Engineering, where each context that composes the system's functionalities is an independent microservice. This approach allows each microservice to be developed using the resources and languages that make the most sense within its own context, in addition to this flexibility when developing microservices, systems developed using the microservices architecture are more scalable and allow for greater maintainability. Microservices also allow a lower learning curve of functionality, since in general each microservice is under the responsibility of a different team and often specialized in that application context. Communication, understanding of the architecture and the resources used to make microservices work in a synergistic and aggregative way, however, are points where the use of the microservices architecture is more laborious and difficult to learn in relation to a monolithic architecture. The successful use of the microservices architecture depends on requirements such as the size of the system, the need for technological variability and the ability of the members of the times that will employ an assimilation architecture and correctly employ its standards and best practices.
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