


Japonica Quail, Japonica Coturnix, Investment, Profitability


The Japanese Quail is a bird originating in northern Asia and belongs to the subfamily of chickens, it is one of the most precocious and productive species, starting laying around 40 days old and having an average production of 300 eggs in its first year of life. Coturniculture is considered a new economic sector that is constantly expanding, presenting itself as an economic alternative for small and large rural producers. The type of research used was bibliographical, and the main objective of this study was to elaborate a document that brought guidelines for the creation of quails destined for production, demonstrating the financial viability for future investments and profitability in this type of business. The justification for quail farming is the great advantages due to its high sexual precocity, guaranteeing a quick return. Thus, the results obtained were satisfactory, considering all the corollary, it proved to be economically viable, being able to promote income to the producers in the promotion of the activity, being it as a main or secondary activity.

A theme selected with the intention of exposing a subject that is still not well known by citizens due to the lack of materials and in-depth analysis, due to the fact that quails are still, even after years, considered an exotic type of bird for consumption. Over time, the entities involved with quails based on current and future studies will end up being more accessible, simply because of the easy handling and great economic viability provided by the correct management of the business and market growth.
ns due to the lack of materials and in-depth analysis, due to the fact that quails are still, even after years, considered an exotic type of bird for consumption. Over time, the entities involved with quails based on current and future studies will end up being more accessible, simply because of the easy handling and great economic viability provided by the correct management of the business and market growth.


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How to Cite

BENIVENTE, A. C.; MORAES, J. A. T.; DA SILVA, L. P.; FERRAREZI JUNIOR, E. BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE COTURNIX JAPONIC QUAIL. Revista Interface Tecnológica, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 2, p. 691–701, 2022. DOI: 10.31510/infa.v19i2.1483. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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