


causes, damage, prevention, repetitiveness, COVID-19


With the aim of this article, it takes them to raise awareness of the risk that the ergonomic disease, Osteo-muscular Disorders or Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI/WMSD) impact the worker's life, not only on the industrial factory floor but also in other functions that compromise the integrity of workers' health, bearing in mind that home office work has expanded, understanding that due to the pandemic emergence of COVID-19, the percentage of workers working at home has increased. The group of risk factors that predisposes the disease, one of the main causes being the repetition of activities performed, however, taking into account the other causes. The emergence of the risk factor obtains modulating characteristics; intensity, frequency and duration, knowing that to trigger the disease there is a determined degree of pathological severity. Therefore, in order to obtain quality of life at work, benefiting production, acquiring knowledge about the causes and damages that cause the disease, it is necessary to implement ergonomic practices during the worker's journey, maximizing preventive measures. It is important to emphasize that the origin of RSI/DORT has multiple causes as aetiology, solving only one risk factor during production will not. Therefore, considering the methodological development of this editorial writing presented to the reader, it exposes the proportion that the pathology can cause in the worker's life, directly affecting their health, being it the most common disease in the workplace due to the long exposure of the members used. In view of this thesis, it can be stated that the contraceptive use of the ergonomic tool will minimize future disturbance.



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How to Cite

JESUS FRANCISCO, M.; RODOLPHO, D. . ERGONOMICS - LER/DORT AND ITS PREVENTIONS IN WORKER’S HEALTH AND SAFETY. Revista Interface Tecnológica, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 2, p. 613–625, 2021. DOI: 10.31510/infa.v18i2.1235. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 may. 2024.



Tecnologia em Produção Industrial


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