



Agribusiness, Financial Indicators, Investments


The consumption of atomeed products (tomato extract, tomato sauce, seasoned sauces, ketchup and many others) have grown due to their fundamental characteristics such as: flavors, aromas, coloring, packaging and availability throughout the year. Many recipes and dishes incorporate these products and consequently end up getting into people's habits by expanding their demand and consumption. The work presents aspects related to tomato agribusiness and addresses its financial viability taking into account a small production area of approximately 300m². The methodology adopted was descriptive research through bibliographic review and processing of financial indicators, usually adopted in projects, which are: Net Present Value, Profitability Index, Internal Rate of Return and Paybabck. This project aims to analyze the feasibility of a small agroindustry of 300 m² of area that processes tomatoes, in the municipality of Taquaritinga - São Paulo. The investment for this project was R$175,000.00 taking into account a Minimum Attractiveness Rate of 9.5% p.a. cash flows added by periods have adjustments of 5.5% p.a. for inflation adjustments. The sum of the values present in 10 years was R$ 297,067.12; Net Present Value was R$122,069.12; achieving an Internal Rate of Return of 22% with a Profitability Rate of 1.7 and Payback occurring at 6.4 years. With this, the project proved viable and can be a great alternative to supply the market with products.


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How to Cite

PETRUCELLI, A.; ALVES, M. R.; GIANOTTI, F. FEASIBILITY STUDY OF AN AGROINDUSTRY OF TOMATOES AND PULPS IN THE CITY OF TAQUARITINGA-SP. Revista Interface Tecnológica, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 2, p. 797–809, 2022. DOI: 10.31510/infa.v19i2.1541. Disponível em: https://revista.fatectq.edu.br/interfacetecnologica/article/view/1541. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



Tecnologia em Agronegócio
