a case study with Mondelēz Brazil
Communication strategies., E-commerce., Pandemic., Covid-19.Abstract
Maintaining a good relationship with customers is essential for business success, which is why, with the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of the Internet has become essential to strengthen ties and continue to offer different types of products and services. In view of this scenario, this study seeks to understand some impacts and challenges imposed on companies in the face of the crisis caused by the pandemic, which has considerably affected the global economy, evaluating how communication strategies can contribute for businesses to remain active in highly competitive markets. In order to observe the theoretical concepts in practice, the work presents the case of Mondelēz Brazil, a corporation of the Mondelēz International group, which even though it is very well structured in the country and with available resources, was not immune to the difficulties, needing to rethink many of its processes to continue to thrive. What can be seen from this study is that, especially in the most difficult times, companies must know how to act quickly, maintain the alignment of their business strategies and continue to invest in research, development and innovation in order to overcome crises and continue to grow in the face of so many difficulties.
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- Abstract 195
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