the encouragement of the computer law
Incentives, Industry 4.0, RD&IAbstract
The research deals with the 4th Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0 and the Information Technology Law. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is bringing about changes in industry. The Brazilian industry lacks investment in technology that enables competitiveness indices. In this scenario, the importance of offering alternatives to the development of research in science and technology emerges. To this end, Brazil enacted Law n.13.674/2019, which provides for the granting of financial credits to companies that invest in R&D. The general objective of this research is to verify whether the fiscal policy for granting financial credits to companies in the technology sector is an alternative for Brazilian companies to invest in R&D, towards industry 4.0. The specific objectives are: to identify the Brazilian fiscal policy applicable to the technology sector; describe the position of the Brazilian industry in the scenario of the fourth industrial revolution facing development opportunities; evidence the legal possibility of accessing the benefit of granting financial credits under the terms of the Information Technology Law, when the company invests in R&D. The research demonstrated the lack of public data that allow a direct correlation between the granting of tax incentives, via financial credits, to companies in the information and communication technology sector and in the semiconductor sector and Brazil's position in the 4th Industrial Revolution, but evidenced the Increase in investments with fiscal incentives in R&D and the importance of publicizing the industrial policy promoted by Law 13,969/19 to encourage the benefited sector to invest, with security of financial credit return, in R&D.
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- Abstract 252
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