Biotechnology, Food, EconomyAbstract
This article is a bibliographic review, which aims to discuss the use of modern biotechnology in relation to genetically modified organisms and their importance for agribusiness and propulsion of the economy throughout the country. Throughout the study, the history of biotechnology, its evolution, the emergence and adoption of Genetically Modified Organisms in countries will be discussed. Rural producers had their exponential profits, due to the planting of modified genetic variants, as they reduce costs, increase the productive area in hectares, being more resistant than conventional variants. Another important aspect is consistent with population expansion, making GMOs a strong ally for the supply of food due to estimates of exponential growth in terms of the number of people in the world. The lack of information causes many people to reject the use of these organisms, but data from world reports have shown during years of study that it does not pollute the environment and the conventional variants are the same. Science exists to assist in the evolution and improvement of people's lives, seeking serious and overwhelming information. It is a fact that transgenics, which are modified organisms are here to stay, and in general have only brought profitability and productivity to agribusiness, reflecting in various sectors in the economy and job creation.
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