study of essential concepts, hardware, software and applications in the medical field
Impressão 3D, Modelagem 3D, Tecnologia Emergente, Procedimentos médicosAbstract
3D printing is a technology used in several areas, whether for the production of toys or industrial equipment, even the development of complex prostheses and orthoses. This study seeks to better understand the bases of this technology, as well as presenting hardware and software specifications for its use (modeling and printing). Then, the study demonstrates how 3D printing is used in practice in modern procedures, reporting, as an example, a rare case of surgery to separate the skulls of two Siamese sisters, performed at the Hospital das Clínicas in Ribeirão Preto-SP, in that three-dimensional models were essential in the success of medical procedures. What can be verified, from this study, is that 3D printing is an emerging technology for the production of physical objects (such as toys, tools and even members for the body), as well as it can even assist in the success of operations complex.
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