


Performance, Goals, Performance evaluation



The market with several competitors, sustained by updating information in a short space of time, requires new attitudes from managers and their employees. Therefore, it requires daily performance assessments and studies to plan organizational performance strategies. Performance evaluation can be guided in different ways and needs to take into account the company's strategy, as this influences employee behavior. The contribution of this research is to bring knowledge to researchers in the area of ​​human resources management, a subject that is present in large companies. The objective of this research is, through a Systematic Literature Review, to present cases of companies in which the human resources department evaluates the performance of its employees. In the end, we can consider that performance evaluation is a subject that still has a lot to be explored by researchers and mainly used by companies. It is an effective tool that brings great results. In the three case studies presented on the application of the Performance Assessment, the positive results found were that the Performance Assessment provides motivation for employees because in one of the cases only after the Performance Assessment can the employee receive financial bonuses, confirm internships or change jobs. function, reliability for the company. Furthermore, this important tool from the Human Resources Department, in addition to fulfilling its evaluation function, can show problems that the company has so that the company can outline strategies on how to resolve them.



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How to Cite

SIMI RASTINE, F.; RODOLPHO, D. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT AS A STRATEGIC TOOL IN THE AREA OF HUMAN RESOURCES. Revista Interface Tecnológica, Taquaritinga, SP, v. 21, n. 1, p. 895–905, 2025. DOI: 10.31510/infa.v21i1.1953. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 mar. 2025.



Tecnologia em Produção Industrial
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