a study on cutting tool wear around CNC
Wear, CNC machining, Tools, PreventionAbstract
The study of tool wear in Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining lathes plays a fundamental role in the pursuit of greater efficiency and quality in the manufacturing industry. This article presents a qualitative literature review on the subject, highlighting the main wear mechanisms, types of cutting tools, and their purposes. Tool wear in machining processes is influenced by various factors, including the material of the workpiece, cutting speed, tool feed, and lubrication and cooling conditions. Additionally, different methodologies for wear analysis and prevention are discussed, such as scanning electron microscopy, digital image analysis, and real-time sensing. Understanding these aspects is essential for optimizing CNC lathe machining processes, contributing to the production of high-quality knowledge in this critical area of precision machining.
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- Abstract 444
- PDF (Português (Brasil)) 175