a critical analysis






This work is a critical analysis of the impacts of the implementation of Industry 4.0 on sustainability. This study was designed based on an investigation of existing studies, using selection, eligibility and inclusion criteria as guidelines for the PRISMA methodological technique, a preferred reporting item for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The choice of two texts in the information system was due to the fact that the terms “Industry 4.0” and “Sustainability” did not intersect. The study follows the main challenges of applying technologies related to Industry 4.0, including the mandatory technical foundation and investment resources, and the potential sustainability benefits that the implementation can bring, given that the reduction in the performance of powers at all stages of production, and our resulting environmental impact. Through this study, it can be argued that regardless of the proposed factors that positively suggest the bearable development of societies, the implementation of new technologies using Factory 4.0 concepts so far faces dangers and challenges that require greater learning. What the fourth subversion has already achieved and what can still be achieved 


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA , A. D. O. F. D. S.; PORTUGUES, D. R. . CLEANER PRODUCTION: CONTRIBUTIONS OF INDUSTRY 4.0 TO SUSTAINABILITY: a critical analysis. Revista Interface Tecnológica, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 2, p. 634–644, 2023. DOI: 10.31510/infa.v20i2.1798. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 may. 2024.



Tecnologia em Produção Industrial
