importance and application of tools to a agricultural machine company





Quality Tools, Agricultural implements, Production process, Continuous Improvement


Quality management is essential for identifying and solving possible problems in a company. In order to analyze the importance of quality management and its application to the manufacturing process of agricultural implements, a research was carried out in a company of machinery and implements for agribusiness, located in the city of Matão/SP, in the year of 2021. A literature review and field research were carried out, evaluating the need for a quality management system, ensuring market competitiveness for the company. Quality management is established by a set of actions to obtain a product and/or process capable of satisfying customer needs. The results show the credit that the quality tools impose in the identification and solution of the main problems in the entire production process in question. It was noted the need to improve the attributes of a cast part of a machine, a product with a lot of replacement demand (33-tooth crown). The problem detected through the management tools was in the quality of the raw material, and the solution found referred to the best planning and purchase of inputs. Tables were prepared considering the aspects of the PDCA management tools, “Five Whys?” and a Cause and Effect diagram was drawn up. In this way, it was concluded that, through the application of quality management tools, it was possible to identify and find solutions to the problem found in the company and, thus, improve the product and the image in the market.

Quality management is established by a set of actions to obtain a product and/or process capable of satisfying customer needs. The results show the credit that the quality tools impose in the identification and solution of the main problems in the entire production process in question, it was noted the need to improve the attributes of a casting of a machine with a lot of demand (Crown with 33 teeth). This part is in considerable demand for replacement. The problem detected through the management tools was in the quality of raw material and the solution found was to analyze and plan the inputs purchase. Tables were prepared considering aspects of the PDCA and “Five Whys” management tools and a Cause and Effect diagram was created. Thus, it was concluded that, through the application of management tools, it was possible to identify and find solutions to the problem found, and nd thus, improve the image with the market.


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How to Cite

NIZA, H. L.; ALICE DELÉO RORIGUES. QUALITY MANAGEMENT: importance and application of tools to a agricultural machine company. Revista Interface Tecnológica, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 1, p. 281–292, 2022. DOI: 10.31510/infa.v19i1.1401. Disponível em: https://revista.fatectq.edu.br/interfacetecnologica/article/view/1401. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



Tecnologia em Agronegócio
