Productivity. Agriculture. Innovation. Technology. Agribusiness.Abstract
This study highlights the importance of sugarcane in our country, being the largest supplier in the world, thus having a social, economic, and environmental relevance, having a quality product. Thus, the main objective of this article is to highlight the importance of having quality in the sugarcane culture, considering the cultivation procedures and handling of this type of culture. To achieve this goal, the study methodology is defined, throughout the work, by bibliographic reviews, carried out in books, magazines and articles specialized in this type of subject, in addition to having a comparison of data in relation to the cultivation of sugarcane. sugar in different environments and climates. We can see that a well-planned and executed cultivation has great benefits and profitability, due to the excellence of the final product. Regarding the methodology applied to obtain the information presented here, research was basically carried out with a bibliographic review. Thus, the method used will be qualitative. The biggest discussion is in fact about knowing that sugarcane has a great importance in the economy of our country, being an innovative phase in agriculture, and the better your product, the more requested it will be in the consumer market. And good management practices are very important for that to happen. Since Brazil is currently the largest supplier and cultivator of sugarcane in the world, thus giving great relevance in the national agribusiness scenario. The outcome of this article has something interesting from an agricultural point of view, as the proper management and planning of sugarcane cultivation are effective, even more so when the correct investments are made. Thus, being able to obtain a very good profitability, even more so with the production system being entirely mechanized.
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