Pork, Production technology, Marketing strategyAbstract
Pig farming stands out for its high productivity associated with the most modern production technologies and the incentive to increase consumer awareness of the sensory and nutritional attributes of pork. Within this context, a research was conducted to understand the importance of marketing as a strategic differentiation tool for the swine enterprise to be implemented and the elaboration of a marketing plan for it. The bibliographic survey showed that it is essential to implement strategies to identify the lack of information about pork, in addition to knowing the needs and desires of consumers in this market. A great tool that enables these results is the marketing plan, which allows the company to understand the market in question, identifying aspects that need to be explored, making it possible to add value to the products offered, thus standing out ahead of its competitors. Results obtained by this research also demonstrate that the marketing plan has become essential for this branch of agribusiness, and, evaluating the specific case of a company dedicated to swine production (Topigs Norsvin), it was proven that such a strategy provides numerous benefits. It was found that the company's entry and permanence in the market, achieving profitability through the implementation of an efficient marketing plan and the adoption of innovative technologies, including through the perception of the need to be in the media and social media, generated highly profitable results and consolidated -a as the current leader in the swine genetics market. Thus, it was concluded that the elaboration of a marketing plan is really an important strategy to make the swine project under implementation viable.
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