Computer Numerical Command, Evolution, TechnologyAbstract
The advent of the internet has brought with it the emergence of advanced technologies which have significantly affected various sectors of society, especially industries. As a way of gaining an increasingly competitive market, industries have sought to invest in modern equipment, which uses advanced technologies. The Computer Numerical Command (CNC) is one of the technologies used by the industries, which aims to promote a new production standard, carried out with more safety, product quality, agility and higher yield. The purpose of this study is to highlight the evolution and importance of CNC for organizations. The research is a Literature Review with consultations on articles, books and documents arranged in symposia and congresses. The studied literature brings the importance and constant evolution that has happened with the CNC, since its evolution is necessary, especially in the face of a globalized society and inserted in the digital age, where technologies are transformed and evolve in an impactful way.
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