its importance in the economic, social and ecological scenario




Family Beekeeping, Economy, Ecology, Social, Brazil


Changing the forms of productivity, as a strategy for increasing income, ecological balance and meeting social needs, specifically the food process, has been the reality of many families living on family farming, which has shown great and important growth in the Brazil. Beekeeping is an activity that has been growing and showing great efficiency both for the production of honey for food consumption, as for the cultivation and reproduction of bees, so that the ecological balance is maintained. The objective of this study is to show the importance of family beekeeping for the Brazilian economic, social and ecological scenario. The methodology used for this study was a literature review, with consultation in books, articles and websites that focus on the theme of this study. For the reading of the articles, the date of publication (in the last ten years) and language (Portuguese) were used as inclusion criteria. As an exclusion criterion, publication dates were used more than ten years ago and being in another language. The results obtained point to the importance of encouraging family beekeeping to be increasingly intensified, becoming a frequent activity within agriculture, specifically family farming.





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How to Cite

RODRIGO POSTELARO, E.; HONÓRIO DE AQUINO, M. D.; FERRAREZI JUNIOR, E. . FAMILY BEEKEEPING: its importance in the economic, social and ecological scenario. Revista Interface Tecnológica, Taquaritinga, SP, v. 18, n. 1, p. 298–307, 2021. DOI: 10.31510/infa.v18i1.1124. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 feb. 2025.



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