a concessionaire case study in São Carlos/SP
Atendimento, Clientes, Satisfação, FidelizaçãoAbstract
This article was prepared based on a case study of a car dealership in the city of São Carlos, in the countryside of São Paulo. The objective of this research was to investigate the degree of customer satisfaction in the post-sale, establishing, from the analysis of the data, indicators that reveal the opinions and evaluations regarding the services offered, mainly regarding the levels of satisfaction in relation to the service, vehicle refund and customer recommendation. For this, this exploratory-descriptive study used as a data collection methodology, a bibliographic research that involved consulting books, articles, monographs, among others for the elaboration of the reference. Then a field survey allowed the search for information directly with the target audience in question. The research focus was the use of qualitative and quantitative methods to survey and analyze research data. As a result, the factors that formed the opinion regarding the services provided by the car dealership were listed in a comparative way. According to the data, it can be pointed out that with the advancement of competition, service strategies become a competitive differential when they exceed customer expectations, thus contributing to customer conquest and loyalty.
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