Environment, Sustainability, Agriculture, AgroecologyAbstract
It is very mportant to carry out an ecological management for the soil, and that the producer must seriously think about the way in which he chooses to produce food, betting on agroecologically correct practices will enable numerous benefits and advantages. The objective of the present work was to demonstrate the benefits that are framed when carrying out an ecologically correct management, both for the farmer and agriculture as well as for health. The absence of this care for the soil, causes numerous environmental damages, and agroecology comes with the intention of changing this reality, having as one of its main objectives the conservation of the environment, natural resources and the overcoming of social and biodiverse damages that conventional agriculture does. This management will offer the producer good productivity, while at the same time providing a satisfactory economic yield, contributing to the ecological balance and maintenance of the productive potential of the soil as well, since it has mineral elements that are fundamental for the plants, and that will influence significantly to the product to be extracted.
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