challenges and opportunities
Agriculture, Technological progress, Agriculture 4.0Abstract
Agriculture has always played a fundamental role in the sustainability and economic development of many societies around the world. Just as the world has advanced technologically, these tools have also been applied in the area. Thus, the general objective of this research is to understand the aspects that have involved the integration of automation technologies in agriculture. To achieve this, the specific objectives are to briefly address the use of technologies in agriculture, point out the challenges encountered by the integration of these technologies in agriculture and finally, present the opportunities achieved from this integration. The bibliographic review research method was used, where the available literature was defined as a research source for the development of this research. It was concluded that given the challenges and opportunities identified in the integration of automation technologies in agriculture, a joint effort is essential to overcome the technical, financial and social barriers that farmers face in adopting these technologies. By understanding the obstacles and potential benefits of this integration, it becomes possible to develop more effective policies and strategies to promote more efficient, sustainable and resilient agriculture, which meets the growing demands for food responsibly.
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