Farm automation, Management, On-board technology, Agriculture 4.0Abstract
Precision agriculture (PA) has made significant contributions to the ongoing effort of generating data to monitor crops and developing novel approaches for efficiently managing agricultural inputs. Given the progress made in recent decades, the objective of this study was to establish a criterion for categorizing the different types of PA into a classification system capable of evolution highlighting this technology. As a result, the criterion based on crop monitoring characteristics was considered appropriate for delineating the classes, as it facilitates the grouping of similar technologies. Utilizing the selected classification criteria, four fundamental types of PA were delineated: Class 1, centered on harvest monitoring; Class 2, employing remote sensing monitoring throughout the crop cycle; Class 3, relying on proximal sensors installed in the crop; and Class 4, wherein management practices are assisted by real-time monitoring of the crop area. The delineation of the four classes enables the organization of precursor and contemporary PA technologies in a straightforward and accessible manner. Moreover, the suggested classification system exhibits flexibility to accommodate supplementary classes or categorical levels as novel technologies are assimilated into agricultural production systems.
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