the case of the Wildlife Studios and its popular game Sniper 3D for mobile devices
Digital games, Entertainment, Mobile devices, Potential marketAbstract
Driven by the Internet and the evolution and popularization of smartphones, digital games are growing at a fast pace and have already become the most profitable sector of the entertainment industry on a global scale. Thus, this study seeks to assess the influence of digital games among people, more specifically in relation to the profile of Brazilian players, including evaluating the most used genres and platforms, as well as the companies that lead the market in terms of revenue and worldwide recognition. In this sense, the study goes deeper into the reality of Brazilian companies, bringing, as a case study, the developer Wildlife Studios, which since its creation in 2011, has already managed to score several successful games, highlighting its main game, called " Sniper 3D”, which currently has more than 500 million downloads on platforms for mobile devices, which has made it grow exponentially over the past few years, being today one of the most valuable companies in the world in this segment. What can be seen from this study is that although the gaming market is still led by giant Korean, American or Japanese companies, Brazil has a high growth index, has companies that already earn thousands of dollars annually and has the potential to grow more and more in this universe.
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- Abstract 336
- PDF (Português (Brasil)) 309