


Strategic planning, Demand Management, Offer Management


This article aims to analyze the high order demand variation in a manufacturer of agricultural implements and to propose alternatives to solve or mitigate the present problems generated by the great oscillation caused by the seasonality of the sugarcane harvest, such as high staff turnover and reduced revenue. To achieve the proposed objective, we use concepts of demand management, strategic production planning, SWOT analysis and brainstorming. We identified periods of seasonality, their relationship with the sugarcane harvest and the negative consequences generated by the focus on a single crop. As a result of the study, we identified the reason for the behavior of each positive and negative seasonal demand, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company in the context studied, in addition to mapping the macro productive process to identify the most affected production lines, so it was presented alternatives to reduce the wide variation in demand. With the suggested alternatives, we believe that the company will be able to balance its demand and, consequently, mitigate or eliminate the problems arising from seasonality.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Augusto Capelani, Faculdade de Tecnologia de Taquaritinga – Taquaritinga – São Paulo – Brasil

Graduated in Industrial Production Technology at FATEC Taquaritinga (2018) and completing a post-graduation lato sensu Specialization in Industrial Production Management at FATEC Taquaritinga. He has experience in the production management area working in Planning, Programming and Production Control.

Stella Vannucci Lemos, Faculdade de Tecnologia de Taquaritinga – Taquaritinga – São Paulo – Brasil

Bachelor's in Agronomy (2011) and master's degree in Agriculture Energy (2014) at UNESP Botucatu. PhD in Business Administration at FEARP/USP (2021) and second bachelor in Business at Estacio University (2021). Acts as facilitator at Virtual University of Sao Paulo State, teaching Operational Research I, II and Economic Engineering at Production Engineering bachelor. Acts as professor at MBA courses on FATEC Taquaritinga.


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How to Cite

CAPELANI, P. A.; VANNUCCI LEMOS, S. ALTERNATIVES FOR SEASONAL DEMAND IN AN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS MANUFACTURER. Revista Interface Tecnológica, Taquaritinga, SP, v. 18, n. 2, p. 808–820, 2021. DOI: 10.31510/infa.v18i2.1175. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



Pós-Graduação em Gestão da Produção Industrial


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